Deputy Head of Building Innovation Department,
Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University,
Bangkok, Thailand 10900
Tel: (662) 942-8960 (ext. 308)
Fax: (662) 940-5413
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Ph.D. in Architecture, Texas A&M University
(Area of Interest: Sustainable Architecture, Building Energy Conservation)
- M. Arch., Illinois Institute of Technology
(Area of Interest: Tall Building)
- B. Arch., King Mongkut's Institute of Technology (Honors)
Research Funds & Design Projects:
2016: White Cement Block from Rice Straw with Insulation from Agricultural Waste, funded
by Research University Network (in progress).
2016: Using Phase Change Material to Improve Photovoltaic’s Performance, funded by
Research University Network (in progress).
2016: Interior Panel from Teak Leaves and Natural Binder (Lignin) for Building’s Heat and
Noise Reductions Teak Leave Panel, funded by Kasetsart University (in progress).
2014: The Development of Light Weight Block from Cement, Rice Straw and Reinforced
Bamboo, funded by Kasetsart University.
2014: A Skylight and Shading Device Set with Natural Ventilation, Student’s Advisor, funded
by the Thailand Research Fund (in progress).
2014: The Development of Illumination Data for an Energy Saving Skylight and Shading
Device Set, funded by Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (in progress).
2014: Cement Block with Bamboo Wattle for Building Heat Gain Reduction, funded by
Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (in progress).
2014: Solar Screen from Tamarind Fiber for Building Heat Gain Reduction, funded by
Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute (in progress).
2013: An Innovation of Using Bamboo for Sustainable Roofing Material, funded by
Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute.
2013: Air Permeable Block from Oyster Shells, Student’s Advisor, funded by National
Research Council of Thailand.
2010: The Improvement of Compressive Strength for Adobe Block by Using Lime and Palm
Oil Ash, Student’s Advisor, funded by Energy Policy and Planning Office, Ministry of Energy,
2010: The Development of Lightweight Oil Palm Kernel Shell Block for Enhancing Heat
Gain Reduction Through Buildings, Student’s Advisor, funded by Energy Policy and Planning
Office, Ministry of Energy, Thailand.
2009: Energy Park, Southern Energy Learning Center at Krabi, funded by Energy Policy and Planning
Office, Ministry of Energy, Thailand.
2009: A Study of Using Phase Change Material for Heat Reduction In Roof (in progress), Student’s
Advisor, funded by Energy Policy and Planning Office, Ministry of Energy, Thailand.
2009: Thermoelectric Vented Skylight, Student’s Advisor, funded by Energy Policy and Planning
Office, Ministry of Energy, Thailand.
2008: Impact of Climate Change on Thermal Comfort and Energy Use for Residential Buildings in
Thailand, funded by the Thailand Research Fund.
2008: Development of Architectural Solutions to Retrofit Existing Windows for Energy Saving, funded
by Kasetsart University Research and Development Institute.
2008: Sustainable Housing Research Project, the study for the National Housing Authority.
2008: Development and Improvement for Thailand Building Code Project: Building Control and
Administration, the study for the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning,
Ministry of Interior, Thailand.
2007: An Evaluation of the Bioclimatic Chart for Choosing Design Strategies for a Thermostatically-
Controlled Residence in Selected Climates, Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University (TAMU),
College Station, TX.
2004: Energy Savings Data Analysis for the College of Architecture, Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL),
Texas A&M University.
2004: Energy Savings Data Analysis for the LoanSTAR Program, ESL, TAMU.
2004: Energy Savings Data Analysis for the Fort Hood Army Base project, Texas, ESL, TAMU.
2003: Low Income Housing Data Analysis, ESL, TAMU, the study for California Energy
2002: White Roofs, ESL, TAMU, the study for California Energy Commission.
2001: Envelope Construction and Comfort Conditions Under IAQ Constraints, ESL, TAMU,
the study for California Energy Commission.
2001: Ease of Use of Space Conditions Systems in Habitat/Manufacturing Housing, ESL, TAMU,
the study for California Energy Commission.
2001: Integrated Whole-House Fans with Standard Evaporative Cooling and/or Air-
Conditioning Systems, ESL, TAMU, the study for California Energy Commission.
1987-Present: Several Architectural Design Projects; including Housing Projects, High & Low-Rise
Residences, Office Buildings, Commercial Buildings, Educational Buildings, Showrooms,
Sport Clubs, etc.
Uthaipanumas, N. and S. Visitsak. 2016. The Implementation of Halved Bamboo
Canes Roof from Local Wisdom. Proceedings of The 2nd Nation Conference on Innovation
and Research: Development Mechanism, Siam Technology College, Bangkok, July.
Ratanachotinun, J., N. Kasayapanand, J. Hirunlabh, S. Visitsak, S. Teekasap & J. Khedari. 2016.
A Design and Assessment of Solar Chimney of Bioclimatic House Wall and Roof for
Construction in the Housing Market of Thailand. Journal of Building Services Engineering
Research and Technology. DOI: 10.1177/0143624416647761, May.
Kongsomthong, T., C. Yimprayoon, and S. Visitsak. 2015. The Development of Stack Ventilation
Concrete Block for Energy Saving. Proceedings of The 5th National and International
Silpakorn Graduate Conference, Bangkok, July.
Puangkong, N., S. Visitsak, P. Takkanon, and S. Visitsak. 2015. Natural Clay and Coconut Fiber
Board for Humidity Absorbtion in Air-Conditioned Room. Journal of The Faculty of
Architecture King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Vol.21/2015.
Ratanachotinun, J., N. Kasayapanand, J. Hirunlabh, S. Visitsak, S. Teekasap & J. Khedari. 2015.
Technical and Economical Assessment of Energy-Saving Roof and Wall Construction in
Thailand. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers.
DOI: 10.1080/02533839.2015.1064784, July.
Pitisakulrat, P., S. Visitsak ⃰, and J. Khedari. 2015. The Development of Concrete Block from
Silicon Dioxide for Building in Thailand. Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Energy
Network of Thailand (E-NETT), Chonburi, June.
Visitsak, S., P. Asokwattana, and J. Khedari. 2015. The Development of Wall-Vent-Sets and
Air Velocity Effects for Various Wind Speed. Proceedings of the SEGA-04. The
International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA),
Bangkok, March.
Sayaphan, W., S. Visitsak ⃰, and J. Khedari. 2015. Improvement of White Cement Blocks
Properties Made from Rice Straw and Reinforced Bamboo Culms Based on Wattle and
Daub Technique. Proceedings of the SEGA-04. The International Conference on
Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Klinrod, P., S. Visitsak ⃰, J. Khedari, and S. Jarusombuti. 2015. Interior Panels Produed from
Teak Leaves. Proceedings of the SEGA-04. The International Conference on
Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Ratanakorn, S., S. Visitsak ⃰, and J. Khedari. 2015. Thermal Insulation Produced from Sugar
Palm Fibers. Proceedings of the SEGA-04. The International Conference on Sustainable
Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Changsalak, P., S. Visitsak ⃰, and J. Khedari. 2015. The Development of Cement Tiles from Empty
Fruit Bunch (EFB) Fibers. Proceedings of the SEGA-04. The International Conference on
Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Amornleetrakul, O., W. Puangsombut, J. Hirunlabh ⃰, J. Khedari, and S. Visitsak. 2015.
Investigation of Thermal Performance of Ventilated Roof Tiles. Proceedings of the
SEGA-04. The International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture
(SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Visitsak, S., N. Sridaranon, and J. Khedari. 2014. An Optimum Skylight and Shading Device Set.
Proceedings of the International Conference, Grand Renewable Energy 2014 (GRE),
Tokyo, August.
Nilphai, S., P. Kamhaengritrong, S. Visitsak, and J. Khedari. 2014. Honeycomb Flexible Sunlight
Facade. Proceedings of Built Environment Research Associates Conference (BERAC),
Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University, Bangkok, May.
Wachoom, P., P. Kamhaengritrong, S. Visitsak, J. Khedari, and S. Jarusombuti. 2014.
Interior Panel from Sawdust. Proceedings of Built Environment Research Associates
Conference (BERAC), Faculty of Architecture and Planning, Thammasat University,
Bangkok, May.
Apipan, P., S. Visitsak, and J. Khedari. 2014. The Development of Solar Screen from Tamarind
Fiber. Research Reports Proceeding in The 5th Graduate Integrity Conference (GI5).
Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Bangkok.
March, Vol.5.
Maorapong, N., P. Sunakorn. S. Visitsak, and J. Khedari. 2014. Sound Absorbing Board from
Tamarind Shell. Research Reports Proceeding in The 5th Graduate Integrity Conference
(GI5). Faculty of Architecture, King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,
Bangkok. March, Vol.5.
Phanthavong, K., S. Visitsak and J. Khedari. 2014. Development of White Cement Block
with Rice Straw and Reinforced Bamboo. Proceedings of the 52nd Kasetsart University
Annual Conference: Science, Engineering, Bangkok, February. Vol. 52/2.
Khunthong, J., S. Visitsak, and J. Khedari. 2013. The Development of Concrete Block
from Oyster Shells for Building’s Heat Reduction in Thailand. Proceedings of the 4th
Graduate Integrity Conference (GI4), Faculty of Architecture King Mongkut's
Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, March, Vol.4.
Singhsri, H., S. Visitsak, and J. Khedari. 2013. The Development of an Energy Saving
Concrete Block from Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottle. Proceedings
of the 4th Graduate Integrity Conference (GI4), Faculty of Architecture
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, March, Vol.4.
Labaiyusoh, S., S. Visitsak, J. Khedari, and N. Vatcharasathien. 2013. Generating
Power on Metallic Roof by Thermoelectric. Journal of The Faculty of Architecture
King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Vol.16/2013.
Koonsawasdikool, S., J. Khedari, and S. Visitsak. 2012. Development of an
Energy Efficient Ventilated Window Set (EVWS) for Hot and Humid Climate.
Proceedings of the SEGA-03. The International Conference on Sustainable
Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Ratanachotinun, J., J. Hirunlabh, N. Kasayapanand, S. Visitsak, S. Teekasap, and
J.Khedari. 2012. Cost-Effectiveness Based on Assessment of Energy
Saving Roof and Wall Construction in Thailand. Proceedings of the SEGA-03.
The International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture
(SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Udomphoch, W., S. Visitsak, and J. Khedari. 2012. Double Wall System from
Bamboo Partitions for Building Heat Reduction, Proceedings of the SEGA-03.
The International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture
(SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Wangpikul, J., S. Visitsak, J. Khedari, and S.U-Cheul. 2012. Initial Field Investigation
of the Use of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) to Reduce Heat Gain for
Buildings in Thailand, Proceedings of the SEGA-03. The International
Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, March.
Ratanachotinun, J., J. Hirunlabh, N. Kasayapanand, S. Visitsak, S. Teekasap,
and J. Khedari. 2011. Experimental Comparative Analysis of Solar Chimney
House Performance with Energy Saving House and General House in Thailand.
Proceedings of the BITECH 2011: Sustainable Building and Infrastructure Systems
(Our Future Today). The International Building and Infrastructure Technology
Conference, Penang, Malaysia, June.
Termmathurapoj, K., S. Visitsak and J. Khedari. 2011. The Development of Lightweight
Oil Palm Kernel Shell Block for Enhancing Heat Gain Reduction through Buildings.
Proceedings of the 49th Kasetsart University Annual Conference: Science,
Engineering, Bangkok, February.
Matthayan, W., S. Visitsak and J. Khedari. 2011. The Development of Energy Efficiency
Adobe Brick to Reduce Moisture for Adobe Houses in Thailand. Proceedings of
the 49th Kasetsart University Annual Conference: Science, Engineering, Bangkok,
DPT, 2010. Standard on Design for Means of Egress (SDW-8301),
Advisory and Preparation Team, The study for the Department of Public
Works and Town & Country Planning, Ministry of Interior, Thailand
Visitsak, S., A. Pondongnok, and J. Khedari. 2009. An Innovative Photovoltaic Shading
Device for Townhouses in Thailand. Proceedings of the iNTA-SEGA 2009: Bridging
Innovation, Technology and Tradition. International Tropical Architecture
Conference (iNTA) & International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green
Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, December.
Khedari, J., S. Visitsak, N. Vatcharasathien, V. Boonyayothin, and J. Hirunlabh. 2009.
Window Vent Set: A Simple Solution to Reduce Indoor Temperature and Improve
Air Quality. Proceedings of the iNTA-SEGA 2009: Bridging Innovation, Technology
and Tradition. International Tropical Architecture Conference (iNTA) & International
Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok,
Khedari, J., D. Luckthong, S. Visitsak, N. Vatcharasathien, V. Boonyayothin, and
J. Hirunlabh. 2009. Convertible Shading Set for Glass Window. Proceedings of
the iNTA-SEGA 2009: Bridging Innovation, Technology and Tradition. International
Tropical Architecture Conference (iNTA) & International Conference on Sustainable
Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, December.
Ratanachotinun, J., J. Hirunlabh, N. Kasayapanand, S. Visitsak, S. Teekasap, and J. Khedari.
2009. A Study of Cost and Economical Feasibility for Energy Saving House in Thailand.
Proceedings of the iNTA-SEGA 2009: Bridging Innovation, Technology and Tradition.
International Tropical Architecture Conference (iNTA) & International Conference on
Sustainable Energy and Green Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, December.
Koonsawasdikool, S., S. Visitsak and J. Khedari. 2009. An Appropriate Glass Double Skin
Façade (DSF) for Retrofitting Buildings in Thailand. Proceedings of the iNTA-SEGA 2009:
Bridging Innovation, Technology and Tradition. International Tropical Architecture
Conference (iNTA) & International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green
Architecture (SEGA), Bangkok, December.
Visitsak, S. 2007. An Evaluation of the Bioclimatic Chart for Choosing Design Strategies for
Thermostatically-Controlled Residence in Selected Climates. Ph.D. Dissertation,
College of Architecture, Department of Architecture, Texas A&M University,
College Station, TX. December.
Visitsak, S. 2004. A Methodology to Simulate and Test Specific Design Strategies
for Climate-Controlled Residences in Selected Climates. Proceedings of Graduate
Student Research Symposium. Department of Architecture,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.November.
Visitsak, S. and J. Haberl. 2004. An Analysis of Design Strategies for
Climate-Controlled Residences in Selected Climates, Proceedings of the
IBPSA Conference: SimBuild 2004. International Building Performance
Simulation Association, Boulder, CO, August.
Haberl, J., D. Turner, D. Claridge, D. O’Neal, W. Heffington, J. Bryant, Z. Liu,
and S. Visitsak. 2002. LoanSTAR After 11 Years: A Report on the Successes
and Lessons Learned From the LoanSTAR Program, submitted to the Texas
State Energy Conservation Office, Energy Systems Laboratory Report
ESL-TR-01/12-03, 32 pages with CDROM, (December).
Visitsak, S. 2001. Architecture and Energy Conservation, Faculty of Architecture:
Kasetsart University Journal, pp. (62-63),
Visitsak, S. 1999. Bundled Frame Tube Concrete Multi-Use Tall Building, Master’s
Thesis, College of Architecture, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, IL.
Visitsak, S.1987. Headquarters of Phatra Insurance Co., Ltd., Bachelor Thesis,
Faculty of Architecture King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology (KMITL),
Ladkrabang, Bangkok.
Note : ⃰ Corresponding author
Scholarships & Awards:
2016: 2016 Fulbright Thai Visiting Scholar Program (TVS), Fulbright Thailand.
2015: Leadership to the University's Reputation 2015 from Kasetsart University, Contributions
Received: Gold Medal /Silver Medal/Special Awards from 1st World Invention Innovation
Contest (WiC) 2015 and Silver Prize from International Federation of Inventors’
Associations, International Trade Fair “Ideas-Inventions-New Products” (iENA) 2014
2015: Gold Medal: Interior Panels Produced from Teak Leaves,1st World Invention Innovation
Contest (WiC) 2015, Seoul, Korea.
2015: Special Award from Asia Invention Association (AIA): Interior Panels Produced from
Teak Leaves,1st World Invention Innovation Contest (WiC) 2015, Seoul, Korea.
2015: Silver Medal: White Cement Block from Rice Straw and Reinforced Bamboo Culms,
1st World Invention Innovation Contest (WiC) 2015, Seoul, Korea.
2015: Special Award from Korea Invention News (KINEWS): White Cement Block from
Rice Straw and Reinforced Bamboo Culms,1st World Invention Innovation Contest
(WiC) 2015, Seoul, Korea.
2015: Recognition Award: Development of White Cement Block with Rice Straw and
Reinforced Bamboo. The 52nd Kasetsart University Annual Conference: Science,
Engineering, Bangkok, February.
2014: Leadership to the University's Reputation 2014 from Kasetsart University,
Contributions Received: KIWIE Prize (Excellence Prize) / Bronze Prize from The
7th Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition 2014.
2014: Silver Prize (awarded for outstanding performances): Skylight and Shading
Device Set for Direct Light Protection, International Federation of Inventors’
Associations, International Trade Fair “Ideas-Inventions-New Products” (iENA)
2014, Nuremberg, Germany.
2014: KIWIE Prize (Excellence Prize): An Optimum Skylight and Shading Device
Set for Direct Light Protection, Korean Women Inventors Association (KWIA),
The 7th Korea International Women’s Invention Exposition (KIWIE) 2014,
Seoul, Korea.
2014: Bronze Prize: An Optimum Solar Screen for Direct Light Protection,
The Korean Women Inventors Association (KWIA), The 7th Korea
International Women’s Invention Exposition (KIWIE) 2014, Seoul, Korea.
2014: NRCT Inventor Award 2014: Recognition Award, “An Optimum
Solar Screen for Direct Light Protection”, National Research Council of Thailand.
2013: Leadership to the University's Reputation 2013 from Kasetsart University,
Contributions Received: CDAST Academic Excellence 2013.
2013: Academic Excellence 2013 (Senior Category), Council of Dean of Architecture
Schools of Thailand (CDAST)
2013: Leadership to the University's Reputation 2013 from Kasetsart University,
Contributions Received: Gold Prize/ Bronze Prize/ Special Prize (FIRI DIPLOMA)
from Seoul International Invention Fair 2013.
2013: Gold Prize: An Optimum Skylight and Shading Device Set for Direct Light
Protection, Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA),
Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) 2013, Seoul, Korea.
2013: FIRI DIPLOMA (award for the Best Invention): An Optimum Skylight and
Shading Device Set for Direct Light Protection, The First Institute Inventors
and Researchers in I.R.IRAN, Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) 2013,
Seoul, Korea.
2013: Bronze Prize: An Optimum Solar Screen for Direct Light Protection,
Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA), Seoul International Invention
Fair (SIIF) 2013, Seoul, Korea, Seoul, Korea.
2013: Outstanding Paper Awards: The Development of Concrete Block from Oyster
Shells for Building’s Heat Reduction in Thailand. The 4th Graduate Integrity
Conference: GI 4, Faculty of Architecture King Mongkut's Institute of Technology
2013: Good Paper Awards: The Development of an Energy Saving Concrete Block from
Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Bottle. The 4th Graduate Integrity
Conference: GI 4, Faculty of Architecture King Mongkut's Institute of Technology
2013: Green Design Awards 2013 (First Prize: Natural Fibers Category): Translucent Roofing
Sheet from Resin-Coated Rice Straw, Kasetsart University and Ministry of Agriculture
and Cooperatives.
2013: Kasetsart University Innovation Awards 2012 (Second prize, Senior category, Technology
and Engineering Division): An Optimum Skylight and Shading Device Set for Direct
Light Protection, Kasetsart University.
2012: Leadership to the University's Reputation 2012 from Kasetsart University, Contributions
Received: NRCT Outstanding Inventor Award 2012.
2012: NRCT Inventor Award 2012: Outstanding Award, “An Optimum Skylight and Shading
Device Set for Direct Light Protection”, National Research Council of Thailand.
2010: Researcher of the Year Awards, Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University,
2009: Kasetsart University Innovation Awards 2009 (First prize, Student’s advisor team
Category ): A Prototype of a New Concrete Block Enhancing Heat
Gain Reduction by Natural Mean, Kasetsart University.
2004-2005: ASHRAE Graduate Student Grants-In-Aid, the American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
2004-2005: ASHRAE Student Scholarship, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and
Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc.
2004: IBPSA Student Fellowship, the International Building Performance Simulation
2003-2004: The William W. Caudill Research Fellowship (awarded on a competitive basis to doctoral
students), College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
2003-2004: Graduate Research Assistant Grants, Energy Systems Laboratory (ESL),
Texas A&M University
2000-2002: College Research Council Awards (no.18 & 76), College Research & Interdisciplinary
Council (CRIC), Texas A&M University
1996-2002: Royal Thai Government Scholarship, Ministry of University Affairs, Thailand
2016 : Solar Screen for North and South (International Invention Patent: application
no PCT/TH2015/000086)
2016 : Skylight and Shading Device (Industrial Design Patent no. 47067)
Patent Applications:
2011 : Skylight and Shading Device Set (Invention Patent: application no. 1101000591)
2014 : Solar Screen for North and South (Invention Patent: application no. 1401007156)
2014 : Solar Screen for North and South (Design Product Patent: application no. 1402003668)
2016 : Interior Panel from Teak Leaves (Invention Petty Patent: application no. 1603000257)
2016 : White Cement Blocks with Rice straw Reinforced Hollow Vertical Frame (Invention
Petty Patent application no. 160001142)
Organization Activities:
1987-Present: Member, Association of Siamese Architects, Thailand
1999-Present: Member, ASHRAE, Thailand Chapter.
2006-Present: Member (Professional Architect), Council of Thai Architects, Thailand
2003-2004: President, ASHRAE Student Branch, Texas A&M University
2003-2004: Student Member, IESN Student Chapter, Texas A&M University
Journals Reviewer:
Solar Energy Journal
Faculty of Archtecture Khon Kaen University Journal
Faculty of Archtecture King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang Journal
Courses: Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University
240261: Design for Tropical Environment
240413: Sustainable Architectural Design II
240414: Sustainable Architectural Design III
240461: Sustainable Architecture
240462: Energy Conservation in Architecture
240598: Thesis Proposal
240599: Thesis
Graduate (Master & Ph.D.)
Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University
247521: Sustainable Architecture and Environment
247531: Environmentally Responsive Building Design
247542: Appropriate Building Technology
247543: Applied Building Innovation Technology
247595: Independence Study
247597: Thesis
249699: Dissertation